Icons visually convey the usage or purpose of elements through images, condensing complex words into symbols that conserve real estate in the interface. The best icons are simple and clear, distilling function into a concise visual symbol that is understandable even at small sizes.
Most tool/functional icons in the Editor are single size; which means they are not scaled between different sizes. We do however support double-resolution versions made for retina screens.
The sizes of these icons vary depending on their context. These icons usually come in two sizes: The normal size and the retina display size, which is twice as large.
Naming conventions for single-size icons
All icons that are intended to be visible in the Project window (for example Asset icons used in the Project Window) need to have MIP Levels. This means three to four versions of each icon in different sizes are required.
Use five icon sizes to accommodate the retina-supported Editor (in pixels): 16x16, 32x32, 64x64, 128x128, and 256x256.
Naming conventions for icons with MIP levels:
Examples of file names for different sizes:
Different sizes are indicated by this suffix: @[pixel size]
Note that this is different than for single-size icons. Icons with MIP levels should not use @2x, @4x or similar suffixes.
Examples of file names for dark themes:
Icons for dark themes are indicated by the prefix: d_
Examples of file names for selected state:
Icons for selected state (how the icons should look when the object is selected, so the background is blue) should have an " On" suffix before the "@".
Gizmo icons are MIP level icons that exist in the scene to show users the location of objects that are invisible when deselected.
The naming convention for gizmo icons is: “[Example] Gizmo_MIP[0-4].png"
Icons in the Editor should be in a transparent .png format.
Unity Editor icons are available in dark and light themes.
For more information about other colors go to Foundations > Color Palette.
We are working towards adding Icon libraries on our Figma community profile. Check back soon!