
  • Refer to the Editor built-in color variables to have a clear understanding of color variables and themes in the Editor.
  • Color is used to support the information architecture of a software application. An appropriate use of color signals the importance and priority of the UI to the user.
  • Color helps to orient the user and aids in making the controls distinct from one another.
  • Limit color usage in the Editor to a subtly nuanced palette to avoid overwhelming the user interface with an excess of overly bright colors.

Color Variables


The Unity Editor is available in two themes: light and dark. Theme selection is a personal preference. Users spend many hours in the Editor and using an appropriate theme option can greatly reduce eye strain in a given environment.

A split image showing the Inspector in light theme on the left and dark theme on the right
The Unity Editor is available in dark and light themes to support user preferences.


A variable is an identifier in the code that assigns a value. Colors are implemented using color variables so they can be easily changed. For example, each color variable has a light and dark value so that when the Editor theme is changed the UI will automatically update to the correct theme.
Avoid using hard-coded colors in Editor UI as hard-coded values will not change when colors are updated. Always style UI for the Editor using color variables rather than hexadecimal or RGBA color values directly. Many pre-existing variables are available. However, new variables can be created as needed.

Unity Variable Names

Unity uses a specific naming convention for built-in variables to indicate how they are used. A variable name consists of one or more parts, separated by hyphens. Each part consists of one or more words separated by underscores.

Example of variable naming:

For example, the following variable name --unity-colors-button-text-hover provides the following information about how Unity uses the variable:

Group (colors)
The variable represents color data
Role/Control (button)
The variable affects buttons
Sub-Element (text)
The variable affects text. Because its group is colors, you know it affects text color
Pseudo-States (hover)
Unity uses the variable in styles that it applies to elements when the mouse pointer hovers over them

For more about built-in Unity variables go to Unity’s built-in style sheets


The pseudo-state sequence is a list of UI states that Unity uses a variable for.

For example, when you see a variable name with the hover pseudo-state, it means Unity uses the variable in styles that affect elements when a user hovers the mouse pointer over them.

Example: --unity-colors-toolbar_button-text-hover

A variable name can have more than one pseudo-state. Multiple pseudo-states appear in alphabetical order, separated by underscores.

Example: --unity-colors-toolbar_button-text-focus_selected

Unity variable names can have any combination of the following pseudo-states:

Normal state
A control is checked (like a check-box)
A control is disabled
A control has focus
A user hovers over a control
A control does not have focus
A control is pressed
A control is selected

Flat Design

Icon of a red triangle to indicate a message of warning.
Unity Editor follows flat design principles
Avoid using shadows excessively to add depth to the UI. Instead use accented borders and base layers to add depth to your designs.

While the Unity Editor as a whole follows principles of flat UI design, it introduces depth using different principles:

  • Accented borders
  • Inset and outset controls
  • Base layers of background colors

Accented Borders

Accent borders are designed to inset and outset UI to support the layering of the user interface. This subtle increase in control differentiation has a considerable impact on usability. For example, the text field control is inset and has a different top border color.

Illustration of an inset border and an outset border using a darker border shading.
Inset borders are used with Input Fields, outset borders are used on click controls.

Base Layers

Colors in the Editor are designed to leverage the real world of tactile objects and physical layering. Layers, like sheets of paper on a desk, are arranged one on top of another. This layering of UI and color is designed to support the information architecture and visual organization of content for optimal usability. Colors are layered from dark to light according to three base layers:

Illustration of three base layers shown layered on top of each other  with the darkest layer on the bottom and the lightest layer on top.
Colors are arranged from dark to light within three base layers.

Base 1 - Application Bar and Controls
Base 2 - Components and Windows
Base 3 - Toolbars and Toolbar Controls

Icon of a letter I in a blue circle indicating this is a piece of informational content
Color variables in Frameworks
Color variables documented here are only applicable in IMGUI and UI Toolkit frameworks and are not intended to be used in Runtime.

Base 1

Application Bar

Illustration of the App Toolbar with labels of the common names of colors found in the chart below.
The App toolbar, at the top of the Editor, contains many buttons including the player controls.
App Toolbar Background
The background color for the main toolbar
App Toolbar Button Background
The background color for a button in the main toolbar
App Toolbar Button Background Checked
The background color for a button in the main toolbar when it is checked
App Toolbar Button Background Hover
The background color for a button in the main toolbar when the mouse pointer hovers over them
App Toolbar Button Background Pressed
The background color for a button in the main toolbar when it is pressed
App Toolbar Button Border
The border color for a button in the main toolbar
App Toolbar Button Border Accent
The accent border color for a button in the main toolbar

Base 2

Button Colors

Toggle and Basic button in dark theme.
Button Background
The background color for a button control
Button Background Focus
The background color for a button control when it has focus
Button Background Hover
The background color for a button control when the mouse pointer hovers over it
Button Background Hover Pressed
The background color for a button control when it is hoverd and pressed
Button Background Pressed
The background color for a button control when it is pressed
Button Border
The border color for a button control
Button Border Accent
The border accent color for a button control
Button Border Accent Focus
The border accent color used for a button control when focused
Button Border Pressed
The border color for a button control when it is pressed
Button Text
The text color for a button control

For more information go to Buttons ->

Help Boxes

Illustration of a helpbox for shader channels
Shader channels helpbox.
Helpbox Background
The background color for a helpbox control
rgba(235, 235, 235, 0.2039216)
rgba(96, 96, 96, 0.2039216)
Helpbox Border
The border color for a helpbox control
Helpbox Text
The text color for a helpbox control

For more information go to Dropdowns ->

Input Field (Numeric, Search, Text Fields) Colors

A text field component in dark theme.
Text field in dark theme.
Input Field Background
The background color for an input field control
Input Field Border
The border color for an input field control
Input Field Border Accent
The border accent color for an input field control
Input Field Border Focus
The border color for an input field control when it has focus
Input Field Border Hover
The border color for an input field control when the mouse pointer hovers over it

For more information go to Numeric Fields ->

For more information go to Search Fields ->

For more information go to Text Fields ->

Multi Column Header

Header Bar Background
The background color for a header bar control
Header Bar Column Control Background
The background color used for a column control in a header bar
Header Bar Column Control Background Hover
The background color used for a button control when hovered over
Header Bar Column Control Background Pressed
The background color used for a button control when pressed

Object Field Colors

Object Field Background
The background color for an object field control
Object Field Border
The border color for an object field control
Object Field Border Focus
The border color for an object field control when it has focus
Object Field Border Hover
The border color for an object field control when the mouse pointer hovers over it
Object Field Button Background
The background color for the button in an object field control
Object Field Button Background Hover
The background color for the button in an object field control when the mouse pointer hovers over it

For more information go to Object Fields ->

Scrollbar Colors

Scrollbar Button Background
The background color for a scrollbar's scroll buttons
rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05098039)
rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05098039)
Scrollbar Button Background Hover
The background color for a scrollbar's scroll buttons when the mouse pointer hovers over them
Scrollbar Groove Background
The background color for a scrollbar's groove (background)
rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05098039)
rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05098039)
Scrollbar Groove Border
The border color for a scrollbar's groove
rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1019608)
rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1019608)
Scrollbar Thumb Background
The background color for a scrollbar's thumb/handle
Scrollbar Thumb Background Hover
The background color for a scrollbar's thumb/handle when the mouse pointer hovers over it
Scrollbar Thumb Border
The border color for a scrollbar's thumb/handle
Scrollbar Thumb Border Hover
The border color for a scrollbar's thumb/handle when the mouse pointer hovers over it

Slider Colors

A basic slider and a min-max slider shown in dark theme.
Basic and Min / Max slider in dark theme.
Slider Groove Background
The background color for a slider's groove (background)
Slider Groove Background Disabled
The background color for a slider's groove when it is disabled
Slider Thumb Background
The background color for a slider's thumb/handle
Slider Thumb Background Disabled
The background color for a slider's thumb/handle when it is disabled
Slider Thumb Background Hover
The background color for a slider's thumb/handle when the mouse pointer hovers over it
Slider Thumb Border
The border color for a slider's thumb
Slider Thumb Border Disabled
The border color for a slider's thumb when it is disabled
Slider Thumb Halo Background
The background color for a slider's thumb halo
rgba(12, 108, 203, 0.5019608)
rgba(16, 111, 205, 0.5019608)

For more information go to Sliders ->

Tab Colors

A Scene window with labeled elements showing different window tab colors.
Scene window showing window tab colors.
Tab Background
The background color for an Editor window tab
Tab Background Checked
The background color for an Editor window tab when it is selected
Tab Background Hover
The background color for an Editor window tab when the mouse pointer hovers over it
Highlight Background
The background color for selected items or selected text

Inspector Backgrounds

The Main Camera Inspector window with labeled elements showing different window background colors.
Main Camera Inspector window showing different background colors.
Inspector Titlebar Background
The background color for a title bar in an Inspector view
Inspector Titlebar Background Hover
The background color for a title bar in an Inspector view when the mouse pointer hovers over it
Toolbar Background
The background color for a toolbar control
Window Background
The background color for a window

Inspector Borders

The Main Camera Inspector window with labeled elements showing different window border colors.
Main Camera Inspector window showing different border colors.
Inspector Titlebar Border
The border color for a title bar in an Inspector view
Inspector Titlebar Border Accent
The border accent color for a title bar in an Inspector view

Window Backgrounds 

Light Explorer window with labeled elements with differnt background colors.
Light Explorer window showing different background colors.
Default Background
The default background color for controls
Highlight Background Inactive
The background color for selected items or selected text when the control does not have focus
Highlight Background
The background color for selected items or selected text
Highlight Background Hover
The background color for line items when the mouse pointer hovers over them
rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0627451)
rgba(256, 256, 256, 0.0627451)
Highlight Background Hover Lighter
The background color for an item with a line specific background color when the mouse pointer hovers over them
Window Background
The background color for a window
Alternated Rows Background
The alternate background color for views with alternating row colors

Window Borders

A Project window with labeled elements showing different window border colors.
Project window showing different window border colors.
Default Border
The default border color for controls
Toolbar Border
The border color for a toolbar control
Window Border
The border color for a window

Base 3


A Game window toolbar with labeled elements showing different colors.
A Game window toolbar showing different colors.
Toolbar Background
The background color for a toolbar control
Toolbar Border
The border color for a toolbar control
Toolbar Button Background
The background color for a toolbar button control
Toolbar Button Background Checked
The background color for a toolbar button control when it is checked
Toolbar Button Background Focus
The background color for a toolbar button control when it has focus
Toolbar Button Background Hover
The background color for a toolbar button control when the mouse pointer hovers over it
Toolbar Button Border
The border color for a toolbar button control


Base 1 - Default Text Colors

A Console window with labeled elements showing different text colors.
Console window showing different text colors.
Default Text
The default text color
Default Text Hover
The default text color when the mouse pointer hovers over the text
Error Text
The text color for error messages
Link Text
The text color for unvisited links
Visited Link Text
The text color for visited links
Warning Text
The text color for warning messages

Base 2 - Windows and Component Text Colors

A Project Settings window with labeled elements showing different text colors.
Project Settings window showing different text colors.
Helpbox Text
The text color for a helpbox control
Highlight Text
The text color for selected items or selected text
Highlight Text Inactive
The text color for selected items or selected text when the control does not have focus
Label Text
The text color for a label control
Label Text Focus
The text color for a label when it has focus
Preview Overlay Text
The text color for a preview control overlay
Window Text
The text color for a window

Base 3 - Toolbar Text Colors

A Scene window with labeled elements showing different text colors used in toolbars.
A Scene window showing different text colors used in toolbars.
Tab Text
The text color for an Editor window tab
Toolbar Button Text
The text color for a toolbar button control
Toolbar Button Text Checked
The text color for a toolbar button control when it is checked
Toolbar Button Text Hover
The text color for a toolbar button control