A progress bar is a display component that shows the progress status of an operation. The progress bar fills between a lower and upper bound value as the operation continues.
The EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar utility class displays or updates a native progress dialog for long operations that make the editor non-responsive.
This is useful when you perform a long blocking operation in an Editor script, and want to notify the user about the progress. Use this method for long operations that make the editor non-responsive such as; importing / reimporting / refreshing assets.
The Progress utility class reports the progress of asynchronous tasks to the Unity Editor, to be displayed in the background tasks window. It is best used for long operations that happen in the background.
Progress bar controls can be displayed persistently where the operation is repeated, and the user has a manual option to remove / clear progresses, or they can be displayed temporarily in the interface the operation takes place and can be hidden after the operation is complete.
For displaying operations that don't need to be displayed in the Editor interface, see displaying operations.
Loading animations are frequently used whenever a user has requested an action that will take an extended period of time. There are accessibility challenges to consider when choosing what type of loader to use. If they are built incorrectly they can create confusion and frustration for users.
It’s important to use the correct animation for the job.